Federal Aid


Carson-Newman University processes Federal Stafford, Federal PLUS, and Grad PLUS loans through the William D. 根据福特联邦直接贷款计划,借款人直接从美国政府获得贷款资金.S. Department of Education. 卡森-纽曼建议学生和家长只借必要的钱,并在可能的情况下限制借贷. 学生将根据他们的年级水平和注册状态获得资格. 我们鼓励学生减少或取消贷款,如果他们不需要为了参加卡森-纽曼. Financial Aid Representatives are available Monday – Friday, 8:00am to 4:30pm, to assist you with any questions regarding student loans.

William D. Ford Federal Direct Stafford & Grad PLUS Loans 

Current Borrowers of the William D. 卡森-纽曼的福特直接学生贷款计划(Stafford/Grad PLUS)需要确保他们在当前的奖励年度继续通过C-N Connect接受贷款. Should you wish to request a lower amount of Direct Stafford Loan, 请到“MyCN金融援助访问”链接,在“接受或拒绝”选项卡下输入您想要的金额.

Graduate Borrowers: 研究生只有资格获得威廉D. 福特直接贷款计划由于联邦法规的变化取消了对研究生的补贴.

New Borrowers of the William D. 卡森-纽曼的福特直接学生贷款计划(Stafford/Grad PLUS)必须完成以下申请 website:

  • 完成入学咨询会议,审查你在联邦贷款计划下的权利和责任. 如果你在另一所大学完成了这项工作,把CN加入到你的咨询会议中. You will need your FSA User ID and password to log in to the website. Plan at least 30 minutes for completion of the process.
  • 然后,您必须完成直接贷款计划的主本票,然后教育部将以电子方式支付您的资金给卡森-纽曼. You will need your Driver’s License to complete this document.

Note: Once a student completes these documents, 它们的有效期为十年,在此期间不需要再次完成. However, if you will borrow from both the Stafford and Grad PLUS programs, you will need to complete a separate MPN for each loan program. 

William D. Ford Direct Parent Loan for Undergraduate Students (PLUS)

Parent Borrowers 可透过“本科生家长贷款”申请申请贷款. 贷款金额可能达到我们的出勤费(COA)和学生估计的经济援助之间的差额. Parents on the FAFSA may apply for the PLUS loan beginning April 1st through August 20th preceding the fall semester 在奖学金年度的12月1日之前将资金及时发放到学生账户. Parents should also list the loan period as August-May dates. If a student will be enrolled for the whole academic year, applying for one term, such as fall only, is not recommended as adverse credit could occur within six months or less, affecting the ability to borrow for the spring term. 

在我们确认您已被批准之前,卡森-纽曼不会预先授予PLUS收益. 我们将自动收到您的信用决定结果并进行相应的处理.  请回复任何额外的文件要求,以避免延误处理. If you are denied a Parent PLUS loan, 您的学生将被审查是否有资格获得额外的联邦直接无补贴斯塔福德贷款. The increased loan amounts for students from a PLUS denial, however, 不能完全代替父母在PLUS计划下可以借到的金额. 您也可以使用没有不良信用记录的背书人来获得直接PLUS贷款计划的资格. Parents apply for the PLUS loan through the website 使用您的FSA用户名和密码(这是家长独有的,而不是学生的FSA用户名和密码).

  • 如果家长的PLUS贷款或学生的额外无补贴的斯塔福德贷款在学生的账户上产生了超额付款, 学生会计办公室将按照标准的学分余额退款程序处理退款 here.  As of fall 2020, 如果家长被批准PLUS贷款金额,导致信贷余额退还, the refund will always go to the parent borrower on the PLUS Loan application.

 As always, if you need assistance or have additional questions, please contact the Financial Aid Office at 865-471-3247 or


Federal Grants require that each student complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 学生必须每年通过填写FAFSA重新申请联邦助学金.  The following are eligible federal grants at Carson-Newman:

Federal Pell Grant

The Federal Pell Grant 为表现出高需求的学生提供资助,并将参加符合条件的本科课程. Amounts range from $636 to $6,每年195元,视乎全日制至非全日制学生的入学情况而定.

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grant (FSEOG)

The FSEOG program provides supplemental grants to the highest need 在FAFSA文件中确定的合格本科课程中注册的学生.  Students must also be a Federal Pell Grant Recipient.  学生是否应该被授予FSEOG,然后没有资格获得联邦佩尔助学金, those students will also become ineligible for FSEOG. Amounts range from $1000 to $4000. 根据每年授予卡森-纽曼的资助水平和高需求申请人的数量,学生可能没有资格获得每年的资助.

Federal TEACH Grant

The Federal TEACH Grant program 为打算在低收入家庭学生服务的学校在高需求学科领域全职教学至少四年的研究生和本科生提供资助.  Students must enroll in an eligible teacher education program (并非卡森-纽曼的所有教育项目都被指定为有资格获得这项资助的项目): Special Education, Math, Biology, Chemistry, French, and Spanish; M.A.T. in English as a Second Language and in previously mentioned subject areas.  Amounts are $4,000 per year for full-time enrollment; $3,000 for three-quarter-time enrollment; $2,000 for half-time enrollment; $1,少于半学期的学生需支付000英镑(减去每笔费用的处理费).  在学生的整个教育过程中,总奖励受到总限制.  未能完成四年教学义务的学生将把补助金转为无补贴贷款, retroactive with interest.

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